Hi Megan (in the US), This is a custom order for your proposed Jardin Embroidery KIT. Thank you.
Regular KIT price = $120
(Includes 1.5mtrs of chosen LINEN, Liberty & Liberty Tana Lawn & Liberty Inspired Charm Squares 20 ... plus 5 free as a " thank you for buying the kit".
A5 Pattern Booklet & Acrylic Template)
Extra's you would need to add being Queen Size-
1.5 mtrs Extra Linen $45
Another pack of 20 Liberty Charm Squares (plus another 5 given to you for free) 20x$2 = $40
Optional Add ons- ...
Embroidery Perle 8 Threads- ($5.50 each)
3 x Green (Lt, Medium, Dk)
3 x Pink (lt, medium, dk)
3 x lavender/Purples (lt,medium,dk)
= 9 x $5.50 each =$49.50
Embroidery PERLE 8, PETAL colour - HOT PINK $5.50
Variegated Cottage Garden Threads ($6.50 each)
Proposed- Cocoon, Buttercup, Dog Rose, Larkspur, Tallulah 5 @ $6.50 = $32.50
Crewel Embroidery NEEDLES Size 3 to 9 $6.50
Stabiliser (Weaveline) $15
Silk Thread (for Needleturn of applique petals)
1 x $6.50 (very pale light creamy pink)
... you may need teal silk later, as you progress along
Hoop - Spring Form 5" =$5.50
Do you need- Sepia Pigma Pen (for tracing embroideries would be $5- if so)
Do you have any Fine Needleturn Needles - Milliners Straw Needles (size 11 if really good eyesight, size 9 if glasses... or I could do up a mix packet 9,10,11 if unsure. That would be $7 if needed).
Complimentary paper 'petals' x 4 will be put in the kit as well.
Total would be $338... that's IF you purchased EVERYTHING AT LISTED HERE...IE. the ULTIMATE PACK FOR YOUR QUEEN SIZED 🌈 KIT!!!
* IF you would like to decrease some of the Threads...I could take off 3 variegated Cottage Garden Threads and reduce Perle 8 Threads by 3 as well... if needed/ preferred.
(That would reduce total by $29.50 if preferred).... and I have now made up a seperate listing for that version... is listed as option 1.2- REDUCED THREADS VERSION.
All prices quoted are in Australian Dollars... thank you plus postage.
***If you could please have a look at my YOU TUBE CHANNEL, (Debbie Donegan YOU TUBE) you would see exactly the "Rainbow" kit I have compiled for you...
If there is anything you would like to change just let me know via DM ta...
***This is a Bright/Fresh Palette of beautiful Liberties on Ivory Linen... to make up your Rainbow.
I'm not sure if I have gone "vavoom"!! enough for you...😂😅🤣
Let me know your thoughts and we could finalise as soon as you are happy with final product 🥰🤗
Thank you.
Regards, Debbie